Sunday, June 16, 2013

Moving forward

When you pick up anger to fight, you obliterate any chance at peace. Ultimately what do you want, a world of peace or a world of dying? I burned and demolished the bridge with the clowns today. It is the only way I can protect myself from being vulnerable. It doesn't even hurt, I shed many tears in the battle, lost the blood I put into it with my need to be right, and it was totally worth it. Ultimately they are a strong army in their ego driven journey, but their path is different than mine. We share a few basic belief's for our world with two completely different road maps. Theirs is not right or wrong, just not for me. I do not think this world is ready to exist without some form of organization and set of rules that protect all humans. Until we can have that in place, we will just have to work with what we have and make it become what we need it to become. I do not know if I stand politically for anyone or anything at this point, I am sick of government and I tell you, the anarchists are fucking scarey, and I would rather have a few rules to keep them in check, then trust them to self govern themselves. This did teach me one thing... I want to be the change... I want to start a clown group, I want to make public service announcement videos with clowns, I want to protest peacefully. I want to continue to use my art as a way to help others heal.